That's right...starting this post off with a headline directly from the Sean Stevenson songbook...just a little innuendo (in-your-end-o) to start the day. The reason for sending the much love to Indiana is the sudden realization that our great Hoosier state matters more than ever in deciding our next president (insert middle finger to McCain). Check out's front page and you get Obama standing in front of an IU emblem, or surf over to (owned by same company mind you) and
you'll see Obama followers holding up the gigantic letters of our

state. And you know what the best part about this whole shebang is? I probably won't get to vote!! Woo hoo!! Summer I classes at IU start on May 6, which happens to be good ole voting day and instead of registering in Greenwood (where I'll be living then) I'm registered up here in North Indy. So, Obama, sorry if you lose. I've only missed one primary in my voting history and I wouldn't have cared less about voting in this year's primary, but it really irks my noodle that I'm screwed out of the most important Indiana election in history. Oh well, it's just for the next president. The important thing going on now is...
...the NBA playoffs!!!! Niiiiccceeee. So only me and four other people care about them but right now the games are rocking my socks off.
CP3 is dominating and I"m just glad I don't own any of his rookie cards right now cuz that would be absolutely awful having to make money off of them. Anyways, still think the Suns-Spurs will go seven games, Pistons will win out, bye-bye Dallas, and Houston will take one more game before making poor McGrady 0-7 in playoff series. Very niiiccee.
Boxers...not briefs
Since one of my best friends became a national celebrity today on, I thought I should
link to the award-winning photograph that garnered such a powerful status. Readers know that this blog is no friend of the photog species, but a carefully crafted golf clap is sent out to this photog.

Kids these days. I was already told about kids using the high-pitched sound alerts for text messages in classrooms since teachers can't hear them, but now
it's being turned against the young whippersnappers of today.
Erin Andrews loves a quick shower. If she loves all things done naked to go in a fast manner then we're perfect for each other.
2 minutes...2-ah
Yeah the Pacers are out of the playoffs but
D.J. Augustine declared for the draft today and that's good news for a team in desperate need of a starting point guard (insert middle finger to Tinsley).
It's Beetles...with an A
Who wouldn't want to watch
nine hours of John Lennon talking about smoking pot, doing drugs and other Tomfoolery? I'll answer for you and say that everyone wants to see that. Apparently Yoko sees things differently. Bitch.
You you're a tube
Just cuz you're going to be MVP Mr. Paul doesn't mean you can
beg to your coach for more playing time. All I know is if he had been on the Randolph Southern Junior High track team I woulda benched his ass for insubordination and make him do a lap around the shed for good measure.