Now that you're caught up, let's get to the links.
Boxers...not briefs

In Indiana Pacer-land this morning, big doings are happening. JO is traded!! Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music of a Pacer fan dancing on his 200-card JO collection. Oh how we will miss thee. Ya know, he actually used to be kinda good. Six-time all-star, cornerstone of the franchise and I don't know what he did during his suspension from the NBA after the brawl, but he was never the same. Injuries just kept coming. Remember during the 03-04 season, O'Neal was third in MVP voting. Of course, Peja Stojackovic finished 4th, one spot ahead of Kobe, so take that for what you will. What a long time ago.
Draft night is tonight and the Pacers now hold the Nos. 11 & 17 picks. Will they package them for a higher pick in the top 5 maybe (call me Pat Riley), or will they stand still and get two quality players with those two picks? It will be interesting to see and also to see how Chicago screws up the No. 1 pick. Expecting big things tonight.

Just finished watching the original Planet of the Apes. Just needed an excuse to run this photo.
It's Beetles...with an "A"
In moptop news, if you like Guitar Hero and Rock Band then you're in for a treat as one of those brands will get permission to use Beatles songs very soon. This might actually get me playing these games. I prefer the real guitar and I tried Guitar Hero once and absolutely sucked, but I'm awful at everything the first time I try it so maybe after some practice I could handle rocking out to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds or Taxman.
You you're a tube
Awesome video of Paul singing the Beatles classic "A Day In The Life" for the first time in concert this summer in Liverpool of all places. Very cool. He fucks up the lyrics in the middle, which is weird since that's the part he wrote of the song. Kudos to Macca.