The class definitely ranks as the most memorable class I've taken in my six-plus years of college, barely edging out the Err Dizz's "Boy would be good at poker because his face is paralyzed" incident in Anthro class (See Err to explain) and the Demo tongue-lashing of Scheid the Glide and I for being dumbasses in the back of a "serious" journalism class. Good times all around. I'm hoping Crean comes back tomorrow so I'm better prepared with autograph supplies. I've worn my Crean and Crimson shirt 52.7 times to class this semester and the one day he shows up, I'm wearing a polo. Smooth.
His appearance came at a good time, because just during lecture I downgraded my IU prediction win-total down to 4. Yep, only four games. Everyday we hear the coaching staff talk about how bad these players suck, but after hearing Crean speak I was ready to parachute over to Afganiland and drive a tank into Durka-Durakministan. He's very, very, very motivational and inspritational. So that bumps my prediction up to 8 games. I figure his speeches will be worth a few wins.
2 minutes...2-ah
Jesus Christ. The prodigal son returns to Indy to make a roster spot at training camp. Someone shoot me if we offer him another 7-year deal. But Bird thinks a winning team will fill the seats of Conseco again. Pretty profound statement.
It's Beetles...with an A
With Paul surviving Israel, all is quiet in Beatle news. This idiot does a review of the song "Chains" from the Beatles' first album, but gets the lead singer wrong. It's George damnit. In the words of Phil Friend, "C'mon!!!"
I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts. This dude recovered a fumble during a big 27-7 win for the Vikings. What's with everyone with my name playing football? Where did I go wrong? Way to bring celebrity and greatness to our name!
Mrs. Thug Mrs.
Some video of Lauren thrashing Doug over his little date with She-Pratt.

Hello, Mr. Radio
In honor of Scarlett's marriage to Ryan Reynolds. Enjoy!
You've got a Friend in Phil
New Section! Haven't put much thought into this yet so we're going it at kind of rough here, just how Phil likes it. I've never read this until recently (as in 5 minutes ago when I searched for things to put here) but Dwight K. Schrute's blog is hilarious.
Info for Bo
You get the YouTube of this post (see below).
You tube...no, you're a tube
WOO HOO! New Scrubs coming to ABC. When? I don't have a clue, but here's an ABC preview that is seriously lacking in new clips. Only new clip I saw was at the 1:23 mark when JD has a beard. But, still, it's Scrubs so you gotta watch.