Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'Cause I can play the part so well." -- Ringo Starr
It was only a matter of time before I began my metoric rise to stardom in this world. Some thought that my exciting expose on the final game of Teen Wolf would have sent me into the stratosphere. Others proclaimed that it was critical analysis of The Beatles' Guitar Hero video game that it would make me fly like an eagle among a bunch of turkey's.

It'd be one thing if I was in only one commercial like my cousin Bo, who is riding my acting coattails to stardom of his own. But for me, I'm not in one...but two. That's 2. As in Two of the best commercials seen on TV. NOTE: (the following was written by Mrs. Thug Mrs. as I went to the potty) I look pretty good, other than the fact that my hair needed to be cut (looks like a fluffy helmet). I believe they saved the commercials for the games prior to the Pacers heading to the playoffs. It is just good karma to have the number one fan (Tierney is #2, Bo #3) starring in the commercials that the lead to their championship. END NOTE (back to me).
You may be wondering the content of these commercials. That's understandable. Let's just say that I look like a cross between "Blue Steel" from Zoolander and the Optimus Prime transformer while casually looking at hats in the Pacers Gift Shop. The other commercial features my cousin, aka Bo, in all our glory as we promote the College Night experience for Pacer fans by pointing furiously at our jerseys and chanting "Hey, we're in an effin commercial" at the camera. It's awesome. Your next question is "Where can I see this commercial?" Well, soon you'll be able to purchase these commercials by buying the "Biography: Sean Stevenson" DVD available through the History Channel. Now this won't be available for about 40 years after I've completed my domination of the world, but for now, you'll just have to check your local listings for Pacer games.
Now some people, such as my douche-bag brother-in-law Cameron who happens to be sitting next (to) me while I write this, thinks that this new-found fame will go straight to my head. To that I say, "Cameron, you can go suck the balls off a monkey." Obviously this is the start of something great and if the thousands of fans who are seeking autographs of their favorite commercial persona since Vince from SlapChop have anything to say, it's that I'm the Next Great Thing.
2 minutes...2-ah
I spent this past weekend livin' it up in Chi-town as I visited to catch the Bulls-Pacers game at the United Center on Saturday. The game started off great as the Pacers jumped out to a double-digit lead behind the magic rookie plays of Rush Hour, but as soon as the Mrs. Thug Mrs. and I started to get cocky about it, the Pacers blew their load and the Bulls bounced back behind the seven, count 'em 7, monstrous blocks by Err Dizz's boi, Tyrus Thomas. After Hibbert absolutely destroyed Thomas on one play, T-Time went into "F-You" mode and took control of the game. It was a tough loss, but the mini United Center statues made for a good time. SIDE NOTE: Can the Pacers hire away some of the Bulls' entertainment staff? Seriously, every single time out and pre-game show was about 347 percent better than the Pacers ever produce at home games. Let's go people! I don't pay for these tickets (literally) for nothing but a damn anti-aircraft t-shirt launcher. I need more!

It's down to the Final Four of Megan Fox, Lucy Pinder, Jennifer Aniston and Adriana Lima. After some really close analyzation, here's my vote. Enjoy.
The Hibby Hibby Shakes
As I mentioned above, Roy "Young Hakeem" Hibbert dominated Thomas on one play and as I've said many times before that you can't just win the battle, you have to go Hiroshima on someone's ass to win the war. Apparently, Hibbert decided against nuclear holocaust. Hibbert came back with a nice 12-point, eight rebound performance in a win against Washington on Sunday, but he struggled with only six points in a WIN against the Bulls yesterday. But, really, this is just small potatoes compared to the dance that I designed to use whenever he scores or comes into the game. It's called, get ready for it, the Hibby Hibby Shake. It's really more like a shuffle, but it gets the job done. I hope you all join in and do the Hibby Hibby Shake with me with all of your might.
My Sox are White
You are cool. April Fools! Man, I got you. Here's something to cheer you up. This seems like a video montage that you can really enjoy.
Info for Bo
The 93-94 Pacers are limping into April with a 37-33 record after an April Fool's Day loss to Miami. Having gone 4-5 in their last nine games, the Pacers looked destined for a high seed in the playoffs and possibly a first-round matchup against the might Knicks. How will they ever turn their season around? Apparently Reggie Miller and Rik Smits played an April Fool's Day prank on the team as they said, "Ok, we're going to play today. April Fools!" Oh those pranksters. Reggie scored only 12 points and Smits added 11 as the team relied on Dale Davis' extreme offensive prowess as he totaled a game-high 20 points. Byron Scott added 20 points off the bench and Derrick McKey contributed five fouls and 2-of-8 shooting from the field. In other news, WrestleMania is this weekend. Hopefully this helps to get you ready.
You Tube...no, you're a tube
Joel passed this along to me and it makes sense. I'm not a fan of Twitter, yet I do enjoy Tom's facebook status updates, so that doesn't make sense. Just watch the clip. Enjoy.