That was one helluva month with the whole wedding/honeymoon thing making that go by quick. Now it's on to July and I have a feeling this month won't go fast at all. But things get started off with a bang as my firecracker and I head off to the Tom Petty concert in Indy on Thursday and then back home for some fireworks with the fam on Friday. Whoo, what a weekend this is shaping up to be. Love Petty. Just love it. It will be the third time I've seen him in concert and it's supposed to rain/thunderstorm again like the first time when I decided to leave right before the rain storm blasted everyone at Verizon while I was safely on the road heading back to Munciana. This time though, I'm prepared for all types of rain and I'm sticking through with this one.
Petty is definitely in my top 5 artists of all time. The first time I saw him, the only thing I knew was the Greatest Hits disc, which started being played more and more frequently. So after the first concert, I dug into a couple of albums (Full Moon Fever, Damn the Torpedos) basically the classics. By the second concert I was into Highway Companion (which I still feel was a tremendously underrated record when it was released) and recently my buddy Tom got me the Playback set to get me into even more into Petty. Even Mudcrutch is making my playlist these days. The Runnin' Down the Dream DVD is simply amazing, by far the best music doc since the Anthology and No Direction Home. Anyways, Petty rocks my socks off. There's no doubt about that. He's just a pure rocker, a throwback who always sounds modern.

Here's an updated list of my top 5 artists:
5. The White Stripes
4. Tom Petty
3. Bob Dylan
2. Oasis
1. The Donnas...
J/K all the way ho...it's the Beatles

Three years ago that list would have had Zeppelin in the No. 2 slot, but I've really stopped listening them ever since I graduated from college (the undergrad years). Not sure why. I was into everything Zep for about six years so I guess I need a break. But Petty's taken their place and Dylan's climbed up as well, replacing the Stripes at No. 3. Ask me for my top five after Thursday and Petty and Dylan will no doubt change places just cuz Petty concerts rock hard and I'll be in the moment. But Dylan will probably always be over Petty. But never say never.
On to the links...
It's Beetles...with an A
Nothing too amazing happening to Beatleland these past few days, but a new/old interview has surfaced. Whatever. How many more things can honestly be unearthed of the band? I've run out of bootlegs to get cuz I got nearly all the outtakes released. I need something new damnit!!!! Unfortunately, that's not likely.
2 minutes...2-ah
Unlike in Beatleland, Pacer Nation has been extremely busy. With the whole draft, trades, Bird looking like death in interviews, things are heating up around Conseco Fieldh

You tube...no, you're a tube
Found this gem on a friend's facebook profile. If only he did this on Jeopardy on a nightly basis, imagine the ratings!!! Love the Trebek.
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