Opening night was last night in Detroit and the Pacers let the world know that they mean business...as in American businesses that let their jobs go oversees, fire their workers and hire new workers...it's called turnovers, and the Pacers are apparently the best at them. The Pacers gave the ball away 22 times and guess what? The Pistons took the ball every time. What a bunch of stealing assholes. Just because we turn the ball over doesn't mean you have to take it!
Anyways, the team actually played decent at times and Roy Hibbert even pulled off a Hakeem Olajuwon move for his first two points of his career (pictured here, trust me, it was cooler in person..well on TV). Of course, he only played six minutes after that. Didn't understand that one but hopefully he gets more playing time in the future. So Pacer season is officially started and the Mrs. Thug Mrs. and I are going to opening night at the Reggie Miller Fieldhouse on Saturday evening. Celtics suck. Let's get that out of the way right now. They especially suck because people with the first name Phil and people with the last name Friend really like them. So you know they're bad. I'm looking forward to the thrashing Hibbert gives Garnett down low. He only needs six minutes to get it done.
Bobsled This!
Speaking of the honorable Phil Friend, I hope you're going to see the great Zionsville soccer team win a state championship this Saturday. I, of course, will be watching your Celtics lose that evening, but I hope you go to watch your boi Petts and Co. dominate this time year.
It's Beetles...with an A
The video game Rock Band could be using Beatle songs in the future. Where was this game at when we lived at 920 Neely?
I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts. This is my Australian brethren. My mate, Sean Stevenson, is a top player on a regional cricket team over cross the ocean. Apparently, he dominates in ever aspect of the game, just like his namesake...me. Way to bring celebrity and greatness to our name!
My Sox are White
Here's the SI article I was talking bout that is on yer Blackhawks.

I don't watch Mad Men, but maybe I should...enjoy!
Mrs. Thug Mrs.
I have a feeling this could be Tom's link as well, but we'll stick it here (that's what she said). Here's yer boi Zac and his finely tuned up abs.
Info for Bo
This is an interesting college grant program that you might be interested in. I don't remember you mentioning it before and it seems like it's a really great program that gets money to it's participants very quickly.
Mad Men might be my new favorite show. I don't watch it, but, fuckin a, those are huge.
tom is right, those were big
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