1. Twist and Shout -- If the guys of 920 Neely can turn this into a Karaoke staple, than this song has to be included. Rockin beat, amazing vocals, guitar licks and thundering drums, this song was made for a video game. The Neely gang always thought about touring with this song as our theme and I'm afraid this is as close as we're gonna get to fulfilling all of our lifelong dreams of doing so.
2. Day Tripper -- Any song covered by Jimi Hendrix (check out the BBC Sessions) has to be included. The guitar lick is huge and harmony vocals (do they do that in these games?) will be rockin. (side note: the link on the song features one of the first "music videos" where the Beatles recorded this video to send out to TV stations instead of going themselves...Pre-2002 MTV you can thank the Beatles now...Post-2002 MTV where the hell are re-runs of Laguna Beach? Seriously, let's get some Lauren-Stephen-Kristin drama going again)
3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps -- Now I don't know if this game will include piano (if not then the beginning of the song will need something to happen) but you have to include Eric Clapton's lone cameo on a Beatles song. Amazing guitar solo + Written by dude who's wife will leave him for the guest guitar player = Great Rock Band song.
4. Helter Skelter -- Sticking with the White Album, let's get some rockin Paul McCartney on here. Nothing will feel better than playing a video game with your friends while rocking out to the song that helped lead to the Manson killings. What an adrenaline rush! Also you're drummer will get to pretend those blisters on his fingers are from playing the skins on this song instead of the skins in front of his computer.
5. A Hard Days Night -- IGN got this one right because it has the iconic opening card and the fast-paced rocker will have everyone sweating for the first time together since that "accidental" circle jerk freshman year.

7. Taxman -- Wow. This song would be amazing on Rock Band. Fun bass line to keep your bassist happy, drum rolls at every corner, fun to sing and Paul's guitar solo would rock the socks off a 70-year-old nun.
8. Hey Bulldog -- Again, gotta find a way to get around the piano thing, but I have faith in all you game designers who are reading this right now. Take this info and fly to the Heavens with it. You're amazing! Also, this song has to make the cut again for great guitar lick and vocals that include barking like dogs, which again allows for more bonding outside of the bedroom.
9. Drive My Car -- Another IGN winner as the bass line takes the cake for this song and makes it a Rock Band necessity.
Geezus this is tough. Well I'm adding Ticket to Ride, I Feel Fine, Help!, Dear Prudence, Glass Onion, Come Together, Get Back, Norwegian Wood, Paperback Writer, Rain, I Saw Her Standing There, It Won't Be Long, The End, I Want You, I Should Have Known Better and You Can't Do That to the Honarable Mention list. But the No. 10 spot goes to....
10. I'm Down -- Paul's answer to Little Richard, this song was the set closer in 1965 and 1966 and for good reason. Another rocker that has a searing lead vocal, great backing vocals, a nice lead guitar lick and thrashing drums. All equaling the perfect No. 10 for Rock Band: Beatles Version (or whatever the hell they're calling this).
Oh and I challenge these devolopers to make Revolution 9 somehow playable in this game. That would definitely move the game into close contention with Mario Kart for best game ever.
And So Sally Can Wait
Oasis is only a couple months removed from their last album release and they're currently on tour in the US, but Noel Gallagher says the band has already demoed the next album. But don't get antsy on me. Gallagher is saying that he might record a solo album before the next Oasis cd is recorded.
In honor of the post below...enjoy
Info for Bo / Bobsled This!
Those of us who choose to worship The Office were delighted the other day to hear that Jack Black is appearing in the Super Bowl episode, well now bust a nut on this one...Jessica Alba will be joining him.
I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts. This dude is basically dominating the turf after being named to the First Team All-Region Four Football Team earlier this month. He did not, however, make the All-Academic Team. I guess I got all the brains in the family. Anyways, way to bring celebrity and greatness to our name!
You tube...no, you're a tube
President Bush = Jedi
1 comment:
My sister has a Wii. She needs this game.
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