The Indiana Pacers, which has reported a $30 million loss this year, has said enough is enough and that the great people of Indianapolis must start paying the operating costs of Reggie Miller Fieldhouse, or else...

Before I get too carried away here, I want to thank our most valued readers for their comments on the last blog.
Several points need to be made: 1) My readership has exploded from 12 visitors per day to a juicy 25 readers per a big thank you to those of you who hit the refresh button 10 times when you visit the site; 2) Joel just made an awesome comment about my Pacers and hence has pushed me to blog about the demise of my favorite sports franchise, but Joel's post has pushed other amazing ideas for other readers to the background, such as these; 3) Bo suggested a Roy Hibbert career tracker, and this will begin starting with tonight's game against the Utah Jazz. It would have started after the previous game, but I didn't want to start the chronicalling of his Hall-of-Fame career with a DNP; 4) I owe the Err Dizz an entire blog post and had this Pacer thing not shook my body like an epileptic form of syphilis, then I would have deditcated this to you, but alas! it must wait; 5) Tom is right, thank God that my cat and best friend, Ringo, is not named Yoko or I would have to beat him for not letting Paul release "Carnival of Light"; and 6) Sara, I'm assuming you were speaking of Oasis.
Back to my Las Vegas Pacers. Reports surfaced last night that the Capital Improvement Board is saying that the Pacers can't afford to pay the $15 million operating cost of Reggie Miller Fieldhouse and that the CIB must take on this money. The CIB said that the Pacers have not threatened to leave the city, but it's pretty obvious that it was implied. Now, today, the Pacers owners have finally spoken out and are repeating what was said last night that they need to get the team financially stable before they give it to their "heirs" whoever the hell those people are. I'm assuming their "heirs" are distant relatives of the Coreleone family living in Vegas. If I could, I'd like to officially announce my name for consideration to be one of the Simon heirs. I'll do whatever it takes to get this, whether I need to put a dead horse in David Stern's bed or lock lips with my own brother while on a trip in Cuba, I'll do whatever needs to happen.
Now, the Pacers claimed they've lost money in nine of the past 10 years, which is probably not good. Obviously the tax breaks that come with owning a sports franchise is good enough that the Simons haven't said anything until this year, when their malls are being bent over and Kobe'd into oblivion by the economic crisis.
Had the Colts not gone all crazy and made the CIB pay for their new stadium, then we probably wouldn't be having this discussion because the Pacers would already be on Mayflower moving trucks and heading for the Vegas Strip.

So, now there's a crisis brewing in Pacer land. Reggie Miller Fieldhouse's future is in jeopardy. Will the Hibby Hibby Shakes continue to rock Indy for the next 20 years? In order to help us cope with this crisis, I present this video...
You, you're a tube
First off, it's ironic you mentioned becoming a fan of the Rockets, b/c as I was reading this before getting to the poll, I was thinking, looks like he's gonna be a Rockets fan or a Clippers fan once Simmons takes the GM job. So you've become too predictable.
Next, I watched that entire video even though I knew how it was going to end. So I have to point out how convenient it was that the jump ball was overruled and given to the Pacers (was Donaghy involved? I want answers) Next, alot of people bring up Jordan's alleged push-off that occurs sometime after the Bulls finished off the Pacers. But he only used one hand to guide a slipping Russell. Reggie flat out shoves Jordan with 2 hands (and I think he was on steriods at the time) to free himself for that shot. I've seen that shot many times, and each time I'm surprised there's no whistle.
And here I thought that you would be on board with my Clown Joke comments and all you can focus on is how Jordan tried to push Reggie but he ended up bouncing off of him like a monkey's ball hitting a wall.
No blood, no foul.
DePaul won its first Big East Conf. game last night, and they're now playing Providence....
Crazy, right?
Speaking of crazy.....come on???? How could you not want to root for the Vegas Pacers (and yes, I voted for Da Bulls). Vegas, bad basketball, Ringo. What could be better?
Either way, I didn't waste my time watching that video, why, because I knew it wouldn't have the clown in it. Joakim posted a double double against the Heat the other night, yeah the one where D-Wade (future Bull) hit that lofter in double ot......that one.
DePaul/Providence tied at 9
I just wanted to let you know that I actually knew which game you had put up. That means I actually paid attention in 1998.
**I knew it was the one where Reggie jumps up and down all crazy-like.**
You should be proud.
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