But today is a new day! Two reasons for this: 1) Bunch of breaking news and 2) it's the weekend biatch and I got nothing else to do. So party on Ringo!

...the Mrs. Thug Mrs. and I are moving to Liverpool for two years come this August! It's going to be awesome. I've never even visited England before or flown across the pond! I'm super dupity excited. Now, Tierney doesn't know this yet, but I'm pretty sure she'll be estactic when I tell her the news. The reason for our trip to Red Coat Land? Well, Liverpool Hope University has started a Masters of Arts degree entitled The Beatles, Popular Music and Society. It's a four 12-week program that studies everything Beatles. Obviously this is a brilliant idea and Rivals.com ranks me the most coveted rookie out of the 2009 class. So, as you can imagine, I'm being heavily recruited for this thing with some backdoor offerings of cars, hoes and other backdoor variety options. But I'm not taking any of that. No sir! I'm going there on my own merit and I'm going to study Yoko like no one's studied Yoko before.
I'm sure the Thus Mrs. is fine with this, so we'll be shipping off shortly. And the news keeps getting better!
While we're over there on Sept. 9, 2009 (that's 9/9/09 for you conspiracy theorists), the Beatles video game will be released. So make sure you save $249.99 for the special edition band set of the game where you get replicas of Paul's Hofner Bass, John and George's Rickenbacker Guitars and Ringo's nose. I'm excited. So not only will I be taking classes in Liverpool, I'll be playing the Beatles video game with my wife! Man is she going to be so excited about this. She loves video games!!
Finally, you may still be wondering about the "lost" Beatles outtake from two weeks ago. Well, I found it and I own it, so suck on them apple cores EMI! The 10-minute version of Revolution could rock the socks off of a homeless naked boy. I would post the song here, but my daily visitor number has skyrocketed to 12, and six of those are probably record executives so we're gonna move on past the litigation portion of this blog so...on to the links...
Hello, Mr. Radio

Turn up the Aperture!
I felt bad that we introduced this segment and then killed it off immediately, but the photog fans of this blog have been yearning and demanding for a return. Here's an interesting look at the future of photojournalism by some dude who works for an independent paper in Bangladesh. Sounds pretty legit to me. I didn't read it as I know that the future of photojournalism is, well, nothing. There is no future. It's as dead as a naked homeless boy.
I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to the other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts/google search. This article talks about world-famous cricket player Sean Stevenson, who will aparently "resume openers on 14." I'm assuming that's the equivalent of hitting three grand slams in one game. So...thank you for bringing celebrity and greatness to our name.
Mrs. Thug Mrs.
In case you missed it up above, we're moving to Liverpool. Here's all you need to know about the city.

You're getting the 93-94 Pacer update. On March 5, 1994, the Pacers had a heartbreaking 90-88 loss to the Eastern Conference leaders Atlanta Hawks. Reggie Miller led your Pacers with 18 points, while Antonio Davis started for the oft-injured Rik Smits by scoring 14 points and grabbing eight rebounds. Derrick McKey contributed by throwing the ball away six times. The loss put the Pacers at 30-26 on the season. The 08-09 Pacers were fucked out of a win last night by the refs and it puts the team at a 27-37 record and yet they are still just two games out of the playoffs and mere months away from fulfilling their destiny as NBA Champions. The Dream is alive.
You tube...no, you're a tube
My boi Roy "The Hibby Hibby Shake" Hibbert is gonna be playing the Beatles Rock Band fo sho'. Check out his awesome skillz at Guitar Hero!
I almost got a 3rd blog in before you updated, but Colbert's thing on Beer Pong giving you Herpes was removed from YouTube before I got a chance.
And I'm disappointed in you. I rejoin the blogging world, but don't get a special shoutout section? But there's one for photogs? Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is? It's as bad as getting cock-blocked in your own dream. I must say I'm disappointed.
Can I move to England too? I won't be a bother...I'm just interested in stalking certain members in a musical group in Britain that were popular in the 90s.
Let me know your answer.
Good thing you didn't name your cat Yoko.
how come roy hibbert doesnt have his own section? this is ur chance to follow his entire 22 year career with the pacers and publish your blog after he retires as a 14 time champion and the greatest player of all time. get it together
I think you need to blog about this...
I think the Pacers are going the way of the Beatles.... (insert deceased joke here)
I kid.
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