He's ridiculously funny. He's ridiculously talented. He's ridiculously good looking (according to the Mrs. Thug Mrs.) He's also ridiculously awesome at being the best thing for Saturday Night Live since Chris Farley's interview with Sir Paul.

Every skit was hilarious, with the lone exception being the awkward opening sketch which happened to not feature a certain host. I'm not a big SNL history buff, and I missed every episode from 2002-2006 due to inebriation on every Saturday night, but JT has to be one of the best hosts in the history of the show, if not THE best. Obviously Walken, Baldwin and Martin are said to have some of the best episodes, and both Baldwin and Martin had funny episodes this year, but they couldn't touch JT's episode with a 10-foot pole. Most SNL fans say that Tom Hanks is at the top of the list when it comes to SNL hosts, but most of his appearances came in the late-80's before he stopped being funny and started acting retarded. So those episodes mean nothing to me. Seeing as all of those hosts just mentioned are pushing closer to death than birth, it's safe to say that JT is the lone great host of our generation.
I think I missed one episode this season, and although this season has been good, it took a giant leap forward with last night's episode and I'm expecting big things out of Will Ferrell's upcoming host spot. JT's jab at former hook-up Britney Spears (in a clever skit that had Timberlake as an immigrant on his way to America talking about his future great-grandchild): “I’d like to think that at first, he’ll date a popular female singer. Publicly, they’ll claim to be virgins. But privately, he hit it.” He brought Jimmy Fallon back for the "Barry Gibb Show" skit; he absolutely killed in the street hawker skit; stole the thunder in the "Target Lady" sketch; and, finally, he outdid the musical guest , Ciara, by providing the only good part of her song. Weekend Update (which did not feature JT) even kicked butt with the debut of the comedy duo "Spitzer and Paterson" based on those lovable New York governors. The pair is sure to be put into the recurring character arsenal. And anytime you get Leonard Nimoy to make an appearance and call people who don't like the new Star Trek film "dickheads" is good in my book.
Overall, a great performance last night that should solidify the fact that SNL needs JT to host at least once a year and it wouldn't hurt to have him do it twice.
On to the links...
It's Beetles...with an A
If you're free from May 21-25 (a.k.a. Memorial Day Weekend) then you should come with me to the Abbey Road On The River Festival in Louisville. Thrilling right? Just found out about it this morning so plans aren't set, but I find it hard to believe that people would rather attend the Indy 500 than watch more than 40 Beatles cover bands play continuously for four days. Is this heaven? No, it's Louisville.
2 minutes...2-ah
The Pacers are still not in the playoffs.

Here is Johanna Botta from MTV's the Real World. Enjoy...
Info for Bo
After winning their first playoff series in NBA franchise history, the 93-94 Pacers opened with a Game One upset of No. 1 seed Atlanta in the semifinals on May 10. What a ride for this team. The Pacers opened the series off with a deciding 96-85 win as five Indiana players scored in double-figures led by Reggie Miller's 18 points. Derrick McKey provided a nice 1-of-4 performance for two points in 26 minutes of play.
My Sox are White
Domination. After suffering my first defeat of the year last week, my fantasy baseball squad turned up the heat in a battle for second place against Err Dizz's squad. Heading into the final day of the week-long battle, my team of misfits, underdogs and heroes held a 449-260 lead and will almost certainly grab the win. My quest for fantasy sport domination is back on track.
I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to the other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts/google search. Apparently, the insulation specialists of Westville Ltd. are bucking the economic downturn by expanding into new offices at the New Brook Business Park. Man, that's freakin exciting! New chairs, new bathrooms, new pencils and new office romances! The company, which specialises in cavity wall insulation, has seen a boom in customers taking on better insulation in an attempt to reduce energy bills and save money. The reason for their ability to thrive in a dead economy?
Sean Stevenson. That's right. My friend, colleague and name brethren is saving the world, one insulation specialist at a time. Here's what the genius and general manager of Westville had to say:
"Now we have a company headquarters that is the spacious and professional environment that our staff deserve. I have no doubt that it will improve our capabilities still further."
Ah, sentence structure may not be Sean's forte (a common trait among brothers), but this new company headquarters is the exact push that he needs to become the second-best Sean Stevenson in the world. Thank you for bringing celebrity and greatness to our name.
You Tube...no, you're a tube
"MotherLover" Enjoy...
1 comment:
Clearly, at SeanStevenson.net, you've brought your A game. The only way it could get better is if you brought your A+ game...but, you're not there yet.
A few more classic blogs and you may be there, Mr. Hemmingway.
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