Batista. Oh how I knew thee. Poor guy. First he gets his arm torn from his body, then he's expected to wrestle in a cage match where he wins the title belt before getting his ass handed to him on a platter the next night by Randy Orton and his cronies. Then he has to act like a five-year-old girl as he's carried out on a stretcher while he cringes excessively while pleading to the medics to make the belt "not too tight" as he's carried into the ambulance. Awful. Pitiful. Sickly. Disgusting. Pick whichever adjective fits yer mood. Now, he's out for the next four months recovering. Not only that, but reports are surfacing that his contract is up in one year, but the four months that he misses will be tacked on to the end of the contract to make up for lost time. Not the best weekend for the legend Batista. In other news, Mr. Kennedy STILL released by the WWE.
My Sox are White
This Drunken Chuggers fantasy baseball league is going to be the end of me. The parity in the league is sickening. Here I am, the toast of the town, the hot dog, the big cheese, the "so black he's purple" professional athlete and yet, I'm still tied for first place. After rolling off to a thundering 8-1 season record, I am still tied with Team Sobucki for first place, while Team Deeb sniffs my ass with a 6-2-1 spot. After that, there's no one above .500. Awful. Pitiful. Sickly. Disgusting. Pick whichever adjective fits yer mood. Hell, pick em all. After I dispose of Team Maloney this week, next week's grandiose battle between the titans of Team Sobucki and Team Stevenson will be the main event. I've heard rumblings that the Commish is working out television rights to Versus. Right now, Sobucki has the upper hand as he is the only other team to beat me. What's he doing with his lower hand? More beating.

See video below for reason of photo. Enjoy.
Mrs. Thug Mrs.
So the wife has decided that she wasn't getting enough airtime in my blog, so she pulled a Yoko and broke up the band. Now she's gone solo. Visit her musings on education, money and life with the greatest man on Earth here. And yes, I was referring to the Err Dizz.
It's Beetles...with an A
The first reports out of England surfaced today that the two Beatles' box sets being released on Sept. 9 will cost more than a combined $600. For those of you counting at home, that's now more than $900 that I will need to spend that day to own the following: The Beatles: Rock Band video game, the complete stereo remasters and the complete mono remasters. Who's up for selling plasma again?
I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to the other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts/google search. Unfortunately, due to my recent celebrity as a Pacer bloggin' machine, the first four news alerts of "Sean Stevenson" are actually me. In fact, the fourth one is Cleveland.com referencing one of the articles I wrote. Excuse me as I celebrate like God after He sank the game winning 3-pointer against the Bulls in 1998.
But thank the maker for the Ogemaw County Herald. This award-winning newspaper's Web site goes in-and-out (and that's what she said), but a brief snippet of news shows a certain Sean Stevenson placing 15th in the discus by throwing it 108-9.9 feet at the Michigan Interscholastic Track Coaches Association team track finals. So Sean, thank you for bringing celebrity and greatness to our name.
You Tube...no, you're a tube
This is for everyone who only has dreams of a Saved by the Bell Reunion. I know I'm not alone in this and I'm glad to see that Zack Morris is true to the cell phone...
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