See, on the old CD's, if you turned it up to ear-shattering, finger-blistering volume, then it started to sound like you had entered Mammoth Cave as the sound kind of went soft, ragged and muffled. This time, turn up the bass and treble to eleven, because it sounds more and more amazing the louder it gets.
I nearly blew out the speakers on the refrain in "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" and shredding guitar solos in "The End" jump out at you from every direction. I always thought that "Something" got a very unfair treatment on the CD version of Abbey Road. It seemed to be about 10,000 notches below "Come Together" and it could never reach the heights during the middle like you thought it could. Well, now it can. That song dominates. Another song that jumped out at me was "Oh! Darling" which exploded out of the speakers as Paul's voice never sounded better. I'm looking forward to giving it another listen on the way back tonight.
Oh, and before I jump into this list, you must check out Chuck Klosterman's hilarious take on the remastered set. Brilliantly done. The quotes about Brian Wilson, Dead Paul, The Rolling Stones and Paul's beard are fantastic.
So without further ado, here are the five songs that I most looking forward to hearing in their newly remastered form (in no particularly order):
"A Day in the Life" (Mono) -- Can't wait to hear the orchestra build-up through my speakers at the apartment. To my Mexican neighbors: "Sorry, but payback is a bitch."
"Tomorrow Never Knows" (Mono) -- Again, I'm partial to hearing the songs that have so many loops, instruments and nonsense going on because I want to feel like I'm in a bubble while hearing these songs for the "first" time. Crank it up!
"If I Fell" (Mono) -- Gotta love the harmonies in remastered form. It's going to be a fun listen as Paul cracks at the top of his vocal range.
"I Am The Walrus" (Mono) -- Obviously.
"She's Leaving Home" (Mono) -- The mono and stereo versions are at different pitches, and although I own, obviously, both versions, I am still looking forward to hearing a remastered debate occur to see which one I like better. Everyone is, of course, welcome to join in the conversation.
1 comment:
Wow. Just wow. Although I think I'd be a little more impressed if you mentioned Yoko a little more. She was one of the founding Beatles, wasn't she?
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