It's Beetles...with an A
The 'Carnival of Light' has long been awaited by Beatles fans. A song that was recorded at the beginning of the Sgt. Pepper sessions is only owned by Paul, and he's thinking about finally releasing it. It's supposed to be a crazy 14-minute experimental track so here's hoping Yoko signs off on releasing it.

This is what photography is all about. Taking normal, good things and twisting them so it's too your own advantage so you can dominate the world and make money. It just so happens that this twisted photoshopped photo is probably what Tom thinks of his job.
Info for Bo
This is the most important entry I've given you. So after discussing whether your employer has stock or not, I check the thing called the Internets and I found out that indeed Dunkin Donuts does have stock. According to Forbes.com, your company is owned by U.K. based Allied Domecq PLC and it's traded on the NYSE under the symbol AED. So from here on out, we'll be posting your little stock score here as well. AED is currently selling at $9.30 share, and it finished up 30 cents (or 3.3%) on Friday. So your store opening should be credited with boosting the store's stock prices. Congrats.
Now don't get too excited about Dunkin. An entire town is trying to stop from Dunkin opening a store in its community. The great town of Weston thinks the new Dunkin will destroy public safety and wetlands. This just makes me sick. I don't know how you can sleep at night.
You tube...no, you're a tube
Ever wonder what it was like to visit your photography-major roommate's family during college? This pretty much explains everything.
hmmm. haha hopefully you weren't uncomfortable when you came to visit.
Yeah, that's the Philly fam.
And that pic strikes near and dear to my heart.
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