August 9, 2009

Another Reason Why Reggie Miller Is Clutch

Miller Time. Knick Killer. Playoff Legend. Indiana Hero. Uncle Reggie. Stalker.

Yes, these are the words that describe Reginald Wayne Miller, the man who saved a struggling franchise in the cornfields of Indiana and the man who brought the team on the doorsteps of a NBA title. Yes, this great man is...wait! What was that last nickname? Stalker? Well unless I see a plane flying through the air and telling me it's true, then I'm not gonna....

...oh, well, that explains a little. Yes, apparently Reggie's game has gotten even more clutch outside of basketball. Instead of getting the calls in late-night games, he's now giving them -- to women whose husbands and fiancés aren't pleased with the situation.

In a restraining order that was never filed, but so surprisingly found its way online, a Malibu surf shop owner and neighbor of Miller's is accusing the former Pacers Superstar for stalking his fiance. In a desperate form of payback, the accuser, Alex von Furstenberg, posted the non-filed restraining order online. That order contained Reggie's address and phone number. But after settling the dispute, other Malibu natives have showed their displeasure by having a plane fly over the Malibu community asking Reggie to "stop pursing married women."

Yes, I have already looked up Reggie's house on Google Street View. Yes, it's a ridiculously awesome mansion with a Pacific Ocean view. Yes, I've added Reggie's phone number to my contact list on my cell phone. No, I have not called it. I'm not a freakin stalker!

What I fail to understand is the big deal here. This surfer dude has some real issues:

1) Reggie only texted the dude's fiance 53 times in one night. That's seven less than Reggie's career-high in points scored in one game. More than likely, these texts contained links to old YouTube footage of Reggie dominating at MSG or at Market Square. If I was Reggie Miller, I would be texting anybody and everybody all of my playoff heroics just to remind them of how much ass I kicked back in the day.

2) This surfer dude needs a chilax pill. He claims that when he approached Reggie about leaving his girl alone, #31 threatened him by saying he had friends with guns. He obviously wasn't referring to real guns. He's referring to old guns on the Davis boys. It's true. Antonio and Dale Davis are still Reggie's full-time bodyguards and they will show their massive guns to anyone wanting to mess with Mr. Clutch. Don't mess with the Davis Boys.

3) Reggie has the best phone number ever. The fact that is his last four digits are "3131" is the best bachelor phone number of all-time. Scenario:
Girl: "So, what's your number Reg?"
#31: "Bitch please! You know number. Watch me walk away!"
And as he walks away he reveals the jersey number stitched into his suit coat with the blue and gold pinstripes and she's been served a notice -- you are messing with greatness.

4) Back to the text messaging thing. You don't text a person 53 times without receiving 53 responses and it's highly unlikely that those responses said, "btw...stp txtn getting hitched." Furstenberg obviously was feeling a little insecure about his girl getting with Uncle Reg and he lashed out like a teenager getting a keg of beer. And when people lash out at Reggie, it always ends with a money shot in somebody's eye, and in this case, it's Ali Kay.

On to the links...

Hello, Mr. Radio
Ms. Ali Kay...enjoy!

It's Beetles...with an A
In my previous blog post, I showed the latest video clip from The Beatles: Rock Band, but when I watched it again I became confused at the beginning. It warns viewers of "mild language" and "tobacco reference" and I'm wondering where that is in the clip. My challenge to my loyal readers is to find either one. If you find it, I'll let you go on me and Bo's road trip to visit Reggie at his Malibu mansion.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
You finally might get me to watch an episode of America's Next Top Model. Lauren Conrad is set to appear on the next season.

You, you're a tube
Nothing like combining my favorite Oasis song with a top-3 Beatles song. Win-win situation.

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