Lucky for me, the week I decided to dive into the first two seasons was the same week that I'm still unemployed and not in school. In other words, lots of free time around for Ringo and I. As per usual, I immediately enjoyed the show and became obsessed with it. I did the same thing with Entourage, The Wire, Deadwood and Scrubs. With HBO offering nothing in the department of interesting anymore, AMC came to the rescue with Mad Men.

Every flawed character will be on full display tonight. Don Draper will showcase his JFK meets Nick Carraway of the 60's mystique, Campbell may still be sitting in his office with shotgun in arms waiting on the missiles to fly at his confused, hair-parted head, while Joan will be shown in all her High Definition glory. I suggest you join in on the party. You don't even need a stiff drink to wash it down.
On to the links...
It's Beetles...with an A
Admit it, you've been waiting on an 8,000-word epic on how The Beatles: Rock Band video game became a reality and how Yoko almost ruined everything. Typical. So the link provided is a brilliant article about a brilliant band. Typical.

I know this a re-run for you, but with it being a blog dedicated to Mad Men, I couldn't leave a picture of Christina Hendricks on the cutting room floor. Enjoy. Again.
Mrs. Thug Mrs.
Your latest update on the Jon & Kate saga.
My Sox Are White
After climbing my way back into contention as my pitching staff roars into the middle of August with pristine arm strength and precision, I'm finally getting some help from the dregs of the league. Unfortunately, the Err Dizz is my victim this week as I've strung his team by loins and hung him by the tree of lonely destiny. My record, after tonight's win, will rise to 15-4. But I'm needing help from two heavily heated battles for my record to actually mean anything. The first and second place teams, Sobucki and Deeb, respectively, are in dog fights with bottom-feeders and should they lose, I will rightly resume my position on top of the mountain. Ahh, yes, nobody said it better than Simba.
Info for Bo
Look for an updated column by yours truly on IndyCornrows tonight (or tomorrow) on the season-ticket crisis derailing your Indiana Pacers. Until then, check out what happens to doctors when they criticize your former employer.
You, you're a tube
Obviously, this couldn't be avoided.
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