November 17, 2009

Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole

Since I rarely get the few minutes to spend that it takes to type up a ridiculously compelling and though-provoking essay on my life and what goes on around it on this here blog anymore, I thought I would redirect those who used to read the near-weekly updates to my new Tumblr site -- an idler's dream.

Tumblr is a cool, up-and-coming little blog type tool that allows you to post quick links, photos, video, audio and whatever else you want to put on there. Just like the Err Dizz, it's quick and easy. I hope to still post stuff on here when I get more free time (when I retire?), but I also may turn this blog into a forum for my future classroom (minus the Err Dizz reference above), so we'll see what happens.

Until then...follow me on Tumblr, Twitter and IC.


November 3, 2009

Here's Your Update

Joel wants an update. Here you go.


September 15, 2009

Link Me

The second wave of Beatlemania appears to be over. At least to the media anyways. I, however, am patiently waiting for the stereo and mono box sets to arrive at my parent's. By patiently, I mean that I'm filled with more anticipation than Helen Keller had when she learned how to communicate that she needed food and water. It's basically a life-giving moment for me.

But enough dramatic ramblings as I'll get to more about the Beatles remastered series when I have them in hand. I actually have been meaning to blog about the break-up of my 2nd-favorite band of all-time -- Oasis.

But hearing that Oasis has broken up is the kind of story about Tom sitting in some gum. You know it didn't happen, but you still have to look and examine the situation just in case there's some truth to the matter. So, I looked, and it appears to be true. Although they seemingly break up every three years before reconciling and rockin' out again on tour, the blow-up between Noel and Liam two weeks ago is getting play that this time it is as legitimate as it ever will be. I hope I can scrounge up some time to write an Oasis tribute blog.

Until then, enjoy the links.

It's Beetles...with an A
This is for the large Catholic following of readers that visit this site. Here's a Catholic dude explaining the remasters in a biblical/historical/heavenly fashion. Are we sure that Heaven isn't a Beatles paradise instead of some cornfield in Iowa?

2 minutes...2-ah
As usual, enjoy more and more Indiana Pacers coverage here, as training camp is only a week away and hopefully I can start dominating with some interesting articles. As for now, I'll just continue to suck by only putting links on there. I'm just too cool.

My Sox Are White
Get out the dust cleaner for this one, it's an oldie. This was on the Onion almost two months ago, but it's new to me so I'm sharing it. It's about Michael Jordan wondering why he wasn't included in NBA Jam. It's a great question. But, even more importantly, why isn't there a new incarnation of NBA Jam released right now? Everyone from our generation played NBA Jam. It was one of the best sports games in history, and it was insanely addicting to play with friends. This seems like a logical step in today's technology. If I had NBA Jam on Wii, I should have to jump from my couch to the TV while on fire to represent my player as "being on fire". This seems too perfect.

Info for Bo
Just remember this when you're coaching all those basketball players this year. One of them will probably try to shoot you during a game after you sit them on the bench. So make sure you're manager is packing heat for protection.

Hello Mr. Radio
Sometimes, the English have good teeth too. Enjoy

The True Whodi Lounge
The Panthers are down after suffering their first loss of the season last weekend. The True Whodi captures the moment nicely in this preview article for their next game. Of course, the Panthers are pretty optimistic despite the loss, but I wouldn't be so sure. They're about to run into the juggernaut that hails from a county named for my North Carolina ancestors, "Swain County". Notice that those same ancestors hail from Viking Warlord known as Swayne Fortbeard. Go ahead and quiver in fear. I would only assume that the school carries on in honor of Mr. Fortbeard by rampaging and pillaging each team that it plays. Quote of the day comes from Franklin coach, Josh Brooks:
"We're not going to shut them down every time they've got the ball. They're going to move the ball on us. We've got to be disciplined enough so that if something goes wrong that we can bounce back on the field as players. The coaches can't call timeout every time they bust a big play. We've got to fix it and keep playing. Bend but don't break. And I think our kids can do that."
Swain County sounds like quite the beast. Prepare for some serious Viking-like tendencies on the field.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
Well, you say it's your birthday, huh? If the week-long celebration hasn't been enough for you, here's a link and video to help you celebrate as you read this blog. Happy 24th! Here's the link.

You, you're a tube.

September 9, 2009

When I Get Home

When I get home tonight, I will not be able to listen to these five songs remastered. But, I'm really looking forward to the moment when it happens. Like I said earlier, I got the chance to listen to Abbey Road in its entirety on the way down to B-town today. Stunning. Exhilarating. Air guitar smashing. It was a blast to say the least. If I had been Don Draper and given free reign to create a commercial for these remasters, I would have set up a dude driving his VW Beetle, he puts in one of the CD's and the four Beatles magically appear in the car with their instruments. It really does feel like they are there with you.

See, on the old CD's, if you turned it up to ear-shattering, finger-blistering volume, then it started to sound like you had entered Mammoth Cave as the sound kind of went soft, ragged and muffled. This time, turn up the bass and treble to eleven, because it sounds more and more amazing the louder it gets.

I nearly blew out the speakers on the refrain in "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" and shredding guitar solos in "The End" jump out at you from every direction. I always thought that "Something" got a very unfair treatment on the CD version of Abbey Road. It seemed to be about 10,000 notches below "Come Together" and it could never reach the heights during the middle like you thought it could. Well, now it can. That song dominates. Another song that jumped out at me was "Oh! Darling" which exploded out of the speakers as Paul's voice never sounded better. I'm looking forward to giving it another listen on the way back tonight.

Oh, and before I jump into this list, you must check out Chuck Klosterman's hilarious take on the remastered set. Brilliantly done. The quotes about Brian Wilson, Dead Paul, The Rolling Stones and Paul's beard are fantastic.

So without further ado, here are the five songs that I most looking forward to hearing in their newly remastered form (in no particularly order):

"A Day in the Life" (Mono) -- Can't wait to hear the orchestra build-up through my speakers at the apartment. To my Mexican neighbors: "Sorry, but payback is a bitch."

"Tomorrow Never Knows" (Mono) -- Again, I'm partial to hearing the songs that have so many loops, instruments and nonsense going on because I want to feel like I'm in a bubble while hearing these songs for the "first" time. Crank it up!

"If I Fell" (Mono) -- Gotta love the harmonies in remastered form. It's going to be a fun listen as Paul cracks at the top of his vocal range.

"I Am The Walrus" (Mono) -- Obviously.

"She's Leaving Home" (Mono) -- The mono and stereo versions are at different pitches, and although I own, obviously, both versions, I am still looking forward to hearing a remastered debate occur to see which one I like better. Everyone is, of course, welcome to join in the conversation.

You Say It's Beatles Day? Well, It's My Beatles Day Too, Yeah!

It's Beatles Day.

You all know this, so it comes as no surprise that I'm celebrating more hardcore than Jenna Jameson. I wanted to post something on this here blog everytime that I sat at a computer today, but the brilliant technicians at Comcast (what a bunch of oxymorons) decided that would be an awful idea and had my internet and television turned off when I awoke this fine morning.

My father and I are waiting for our order of the mono box set, but I was unsure as to how I would handle acquiring the stereo versions of the remastered cd's. Well, it turns out that I was required to read a book for my education class this morning. Unfortunately, I did not own the book. Therefore, I needed to jolt over to my friendly neighborhood Barnes & Noble and pick up a copy when they opened their doors at 9 a.m. It just so happened that they were playing the stereo remasters on the loudspeaker. Of course, Barnes & Noble doesn't have stereo speakers, so all of the sound was shifted to the left side, negating the vocals to the background while leaving Ringo's drumming to steal the show. It sounded awful. Needless to say, I couldn't let B&N give me a bad impression of the Beatles new cd's. That just wasn't going to happen.

So I trotted back to the CD section in order to pick up just one stereo version that I could blast in the Suzuki on the way down to my classes in B-town. I wish I could say that the choice was easy. I stood in front of the Beatles kiosk for roughly an eight-day-week as I pondered which to buy. I didn't want any pre-1967 albums, as I wanted to wait to hear the mono remasters first, so that automatically threw out my two favorite albums, Rubber Soul and Revolver. But then the struggle began.

I was set on picking up Sgt. Pepper just to hear "A Day In The Life" in it's full glory. But since I was only picking up one CD, I needed more than just 45 minutes of music and 13 songs. So, I heroically paired it down to two -- The Beatles (White Album) or Abbey Road. Either "Come Together" or "Back in the U.S.S.R." Either "Something" or "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". It was "Because" or "Happiness is a Warm Gun". Even Ringo got into the action with "Octopus's Garden" or "Don't Pass Me By".

I've got to be honest, it was pretty lame reason why I ended up buying Abbey Road. It was for the cover. If I'm buying only one CD, and I'm showing it off like a newborn child, then I want it to have a colorful cover. The White Album doesn't necessarily do that for me. You wouldn't show pictures of a baby with no face would you? Well, maybe you would. Don't get me wrong, the album cover is genius (I mean, how much more white can be? None, none more white). But it was the four Beatles walking across that screen that sent me to the counter with a brand spankin' new Beatles CD, along with some book that I didn't read for class.

So that's how my day started. I'm hoping to sling a few more posts on here before the day is over, because I know that all of you, especially those who receive the e-mail updates, are absolutely enthralled by this whole experience. Don't worry folks, I won't let you down.

You, you're a tube

September 5, 2009

It Won't Be Long Until The Beatles Return

September is turning into a behemoth of a month.

Birthdays galore. Classes are in full swing. Work is a mess. Every television series known to man is beginning again. The Pacers begin training camp. The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! And that doesn't even cover what is about to happen four days from now.

On Sept. 9, 2009, prepare for a hard day's night. The world will explode into Beatles pandemonium as the Remastered CD's are finally let loose from the cage. The sounds of Abbey Road Studios will clearer than ever as the stereo and mono box sets let you hear things you never thought you could. You can actually hear Paul and George's lips move as they lip sync profanity in the background as Yoko sings a line on "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill". Not only will the remasters make their heralded debut, but The Beatles: Rock Band video game will be officially released. It's the day that keeps on giving.

The day is already fitting in nicely with Beatle-lore. The band has been on the cover of countless magazines, pre-orders for the remasters were sold out weeks ago, documentaries are airing every hour on VH1 Classic, CNN has compared the band to Picasso (although I don't think Picasso is in the Beatles' league), and there wouldn't be a proper Beatles release without an error to drive up prices of the first set. The Magical Mystery Tour CD label on the first run of remastered CD's says it contains the "Let It Be minidocumentary" which is obviously not true. So there's your 2009 version of the Butcher Cover.

Needless to say, I'm more excited than a kid with ADHD after slamming a case of Red Bull mixed with uppers and jamming to Helter Skelter. I'm off-the-chart. The fact that my father ordered us both a set of the Limited Edition Mono box sets just about blows my mind. So before I spontaneously combust all over my cat Ringo, let's get to the links.

2 minutes...2-ah
In an effort to make this blog as Beatles friendly as possible, the Pacers link (and all links thereafter) has been changed to a Beatles link. Here is the best interview of Paul McCartney ever. It occurred earlier this year on the Howard Stern Show. It will rock your socks off.

It's Beetles...with an A
Here's a link to a video that I had never seen before from the "Songs of John Lennon and Paul McCartney" program made in late-1965 featuring John and Paul. Also features the videos of "Day Tripper" and "We Can Work It Out".

Hello Mr. Radio
I could be a dick here and post a pic of Yoko, but Joel has never forgiven me for doing that to him so I'll let you off the hook. Here's John and Paul back in the day with some 1960's hotties for ya. Enjoy. Also, check out Elvis break into an impromptu version of "Get Back" here.

My Sox Are White
Celebrate your new hometown with a performance from the Beatles in Chi-town in 1964 singing one of your two favorite Beatle songs.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
You only caught 10 seconds of the 30-second commercial for The Beatles: Rock Band after I woke you up to watch it last night, so here's a link to it instead. Freakin sweet!

Info For Bo
This seems more up your alley than any other Beatles link that I can come up, enjoy.

The True Whodi Lounge
In only your second time having this segment, I've already had to deviate from the plan so I can incorporate the Beatles in some way. After combing through the top three stories on your site right now looking for any reference that I can tie to the Beatles, I just decided to go with the Beatles/Jay Z mash up. Enjoy. But fans, don't forget to follow your Franklin sports here!

You, you're a tube
And, finally, let's get to this "literal" interpretation of the Beatles' music video for "Penny Lane" as it's a good one. Enjoy. And don't forget to celebrate 09/09/09 by listening to your favorite Beatles songs or at least making a Yoko joke. Either/or would be fine.

August 25, 2009

Scrubs: Med School

The cast is officially set. Sacred Heart is officially gone. JD is officially no longer the narrator. And Scrubs is kinda, sorta "officially" now Scrubs: Med School, at least according to creator Bill Lawrence.

The network's insistence to keep the Scrubs name in tact despite a total change in cast and location has not changed Lawrence's mind that this is a completely different show that should be under a different umbrella from its predecessor. Lawrence said: "If it goes my way, and we'll see if I win this battle, when it, the credits at the beginning, when it says Scrubs, you know, at the end, it'll then flash again and it'll say Med School."

Finally. I've been waiting for somebody associated with the show to finally come clean that this new incarnation is entirely different from the first eight seasons of the funniest show on television. Although Turk and Dr. Cox return, as well the Todd and Ted, the show is not the original. All I want is this show to be put in a different DVD section from the first eight seasons. It shouldn't be "Season 9" as it should read "Scrubs: Med School, Season 1". That's not too much to ask. It may not seem important now, but after this new show bombs, explodes, implodes or digests itself in the most disgusting fashion, you don't want the off-shoot considered part of the original series. Even if it does well, fingers and toes duly crossed, it still should be its own category and show.

I mean, how are we going to explain this to our grandkids someday? Me:"Sammy, this is the second series of Scrubs and it shouldn't be associated with the first eight seasons because it is a different show from the original. There is no JD or Eliot so thith doethn't acthuay counf." Sammy: "Grandpa, your teeth fell out. I'll pick them for you for $200 and the promise you won't talk about Scrubs, the Beatles or Reggie Miller for at least an hour." Me: "Dealth."

Some other changes were announced last week as a new narrator has been named. The new 22-year-old intern named Lucy will take over the role that JD held so tightly for eight great years. Lucy, played by Kerry Bishe (pictured right), is a med student who comes from a family of commercial fisherman...and hilarity ensues. Joining Lucy will be Drew, a 30-something med student, played by Michael Mosley, who is battling back to med school for the second time in his life. Apparently poor Drew suffered a meltdown during his first stint as the top prospect at Harvard Medical School. The other new spot to complete the trifecta will be a character played by Dave Franco named Cole, a wealthy, arrogant med student who is the bane of Dr. Cox's existence.

I was thrilled to see that the Todd and Ted will return in recurring roles. That's at least some good news. Also, Sunny will be back as a recurring character, while Denise joins Turk and Dr. Cox as the only full carry-overs from the old show.

On to the links...

2 minutes...2-ah
No better way to celebrate Reggie Miller's birthday than doing a jogging journal of his first NBA game. Don't miss it here.

It's Beetles...with an A
Sept. 9 is already the biggest day of the year. It's the day before the sister turns 21. The Beatles: Rock Band is released. Both the Mono and Stereo Remastered box sets are released and now the rumor is really heating up that the entire Beatles catalog will be released on iTunes.

Hello, Mr. Radio
No picture for you today. You've been banned until the Commish officially schedules the Corona League Draft.

Info for Bo
In the newest version of RAW vs. Smackdown, you can create up to 100 custom wrestlers, your own finishing moves and now you can make your own story lines. Totally awesome. If this doesn't get you into video games then nothing ever will.

My Sox Are White
I talked smack in my last post and I lost in our fantasy baseball league last week. The lips are sealed for the rest of the season. Good luck to everyone.

The True Whodi Lounge
Andy deserves his own spot on here damnit. The people have protested and they're going to get it. This section is tentatively going to include a link to one of Andy's best articles from the week in his paper, the Franklin Press. Then I will highlight my favorite passage or quote from said article. It's gridiron season in the big N.C. and the True Whodi has Franklin covered in a monster 2,000-word season preview. Franklin has moved conferences as it switches to the newly formed Appalachian Athletic Conference.

Coach Brooks laid out his life philosophy and this is a "write that one down" moment for all you children reading. "I think the goals each year are to do things like become a better person, a better teammate, a better young man. To be successful, and success isn't all on wins and losses. The outside perception is. That's one thing we've talked about big time. The responsibility and not lying and all that." Can't say it any better.

You, you're a tube
The Beatles: Rock Band continues to pick up steam. Here's the latest video featuring more and more awesomeness.

August 16, 2009

The Return Of Mad Men

Having just started watching the magnificent and masterful work of AMC's acclaimed drama Mad Men just one week ago, it's already been a longtime waiting for the show's return.

Lucky for me, the week I decided to dive into the first two seasons was the same week that I'm still unemployed and not in school. In other words, lots of free time around for Ringo and I. As per usual, I immediately enjoyed the show and became obsessed with it. I did the same thing with Entourage, The Wire, Deadwood and Scrubs. With HBO offering nothing in the department of interesting anymore, AMC came to the rescue with Mad Men.

The hype machine has been in full force since it wowed the Emmy's with 16 nominations, and with every television-watching white male saying it's the best show on the tube, I figured I'd trust the show with one hour of my time to make an impact. Boom! That's the sound of show slamming my face relentlessly to the floor while shouting, "You love me! You love me!" The hypnosis that's dazed me for the past week will get heavier tonight when Season 3 begins at 10 p.m.

I won't babble on about the greatness of the show as I won't do it justice compared to raving reviews from USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and every other news service from the offices of Sterling Cooper to the Pacific. But I will say that I'm looking forward to the prism of 1963 being displayed and twisted through the eyes of the ad agency. The JFK assassination episode will surely top the Cuban Missile Crisis, Marilyn Monroe's death and the JFK/Nixon election combined.

Every flawed character will be on full display tonight. Don Draper will showcase his JFK meets Nick Carraway of the 60's mystique, Campbell may still be sitting in his office with shotgun in arms waiting on the missiles to fly at his confused, hair-parted head, while Joan will be shown in all her High Definition glory. I suggest you join in on the party. You don't even need a stiff drink to wash it down.

On to the links...

It's Beetles...with an A
Admit it, you've been waiting on an 8,000-word epic on how The Beatles: Rock Band video game became a reality and how Yoko almost ruined everything. Typical. So the link provided is a brilliant article about a brilliant band. Typical.

Hello Mr. Radio
I know this a re-run for you, but with it being a blog dedicated to Mad Men, I couldn't leave a picture of Christina Hendricks on the cutting room floor. Enjoy. Again.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
Your latest update on the Jon & Kate saga.

My Sox Are White
After climbing my way back into contention as my pitching staff roars into the middle of August with pristine arm strength and precision, I'm finally getting some help from the dregs of the league. Unfortunately, the Err Dizz is my victim this week as I've strung his team by loins and hung him by the tree of lonely destiny. My record, after tonight's win, will rise to 15-4. But I'm needing help from two heavily heated battles for my record to actually mean anything. The first and second place teams, Sobucki and Deeb, respectively, are in dog fights with bottom-feeders and should they lose, I will rightly resume my position on top of the mountain. Ahh, yes, nobody said it better than Simba.

Info for Bo
Look for an updated column by yours truly on IndyCornrows tonight (or tomorrow) on the season-ticket crisis derailing your Indiana Pacers. Until then, check out what happens to doctors when they criticize your former employer.

You, you're a tube
Obviously, this couldn't be avoided.

August 14, 2009

Scrubs: The New Class

The transformation is almost complete. John Dorian has become Eric Forman. The Janitor has become Richie Cunningham, Elliot Reid is the new Zach Morris, and Bob Kelso has become...well, Kelso.

You can track down a plethora of names from past TV characters who left their arena before the show crashed and burned without them. Happy Days had Fonzi but they lost Richie. That 70's Show had Fez, but lost Kelso and Forman. Scrubs has Turk and Dr. Cox, but no longer has JD, Janitor and Elliot. Welcome to Scrubs Version 2.0, the hospital version of Saved By The Bell: The New Class. Or, you can just call it the new ER. Just like when George Clooney and the other original stars of ER left for superstardom, Scrubs is hoping to retool its character base and plot heading into its ninth season.

Gone is Sacred Heart. It's been replaced by a slick, modern hospital, which is a stark contrast to the haunting halls of the SH. Gone is Kelso. The new leadership team of Dr. Cox and Turk are in charge. Gone are JD and Elliot, although at least Zach Braff is guaranteed to appear in six episodes. And, finally, gone is the Janitor. He, or Neil Flynn, has his own sitcom now, but he stated last week that he hopes to make one more appearance on the show.

Jan-i-tor summed it up best at the press junket for his new vehicle, The Middle. "We were done," he noted. "The show ended and we were free to go and find other employment, but then it started up again. I'm done with Scrubs, but I'll probably show up one more time." Asked what happened to the Janitor, Flynn quipped he's "moved to Indiana and has 3 nice children," a reference to his new pilot. I am proud to call Janitor a fellow Hoosier patriot.

Nevertheless, although some things change, others remain distinctly the same. The title won't change, the humor style remains, and Dr. Cox remains Dr. Cox. Turk, also known as Donald Faison outside of my blog, granted an interview to IGN just two weeks before Scrubs begins shooting the new season. Turk said that he's the new Mr. Belding and Dr. Cox is the new Screech, referring to the show's parallel with Saved By The Bell: The New Class.

Turk cites Fraiser's departure from Cheers to form his own hit show as the dream for the people who stayed on with Scrubs. But, even Turk tried to get his own new show before Scrubs was renewed. Turk and Cedric The Entertainer tried to combine comedic efforts to get a pilot but the show flopped, leaving Turk without a job until Scrubs creater Bill Lawrence came a-callin' with a new offer to be the headliner of Scrubs. For the unemployed Turkleton, it was a no-brainer.

So let the moral dilemma begin. Biblical characters had it easier than this. What am I supposed to do when my all-time favorite show splits in half, moves to a new location, but is still featuring Dr. Cox? Well, let's go through this slowly:

1) This isn't Scrubs. I don't care if they call it the same name or even have the same intro music and video, this is NOT Scrubs. Repeat that after your daily prayer. When a sitcom changes locations, it is no longer that show. That's 70's Show, through all its faults in the last two seasons, at least kept the basement in tact so the show could remain a shell of its former self. But when you change buildings and change charcters, it's not the same show. Only in porn can you change the backdrop of a scene and get the same effect. Unfortunately, Scrubs isn't a porn. Or isn't it?

2) I really thought the show could go on without Zach Braff. Everybody knew he'd be the first to leave at some point so he focus on directing and starring in feature films, but no one knew that if he took half the cast with him, they'd still make the show. No JD or Janitor? No Elliot? Yes, these characters ran their course. There was not much else to explore as we knew JD still struggled to mature even though he fathered a child, while Janitor got married and the relationship between JD and Elliot had climaxed, so it was time to go out in a blaze of glory like the final episode of the eighth season. So, Scrubs isn't Scrubs without them. I'm not sure what else Dr. Cox can even offer. Maybe Turk grows up and adds several dimensions to his "teenage" personality. Maybe he divorces Carla after he sleeps with the entire nursing staff. Maybe he and the Todd start a relationship. I don't know, the ideas are just flowing right now.

3) Speaking of the Todd, will any of the "part-time" players be back? I'm sure if Scrubs is offering a paycheck they will be on there way, but many of them could have found other dutiful employment while Lawrence twidled his thumbs contemplating whether to bring the show back. I can't imagine not seeing Beardface not walking the halls of Sacred Hea...oh year, wrong hospital.

4) I've already decided there will be a distinction in my own head between Scrubs, Seasons 1-8, and Scrubs 9-and-beyond. So will I follow this new incarnation as religiously as the past? Looking at my own viewing habits, the answer is probably not. I've given up on any show that changed characters between seasons with the exception being triumphant show of this decade, aka The Wire. It's a complex of getting too familiar and too fanatical with the original, and not being able to ever accept the second act as better than the first. Let's include my obligatory Beatles reference here. When George helped John record on his album Imagine, even though it was with a different band and different styles of music from the Beatles, it's still compared to the Beatles. Unfortunately, it has no chance of being as good, better or more valuable then anything the Beatles created. I wanted to watch this new Scrubs version with open arms, but I'll always compare it to the original and it will come up short. It's just the way it works. Blame God.

So Scrubs is the 2009 version of 1993's Saved By The Bell: The New Class. As bad as that sounds, it actually is a good omen. The last incarnation of SBTB lasted a hearty seven effin' seasons. Seven! That show stayed on the air from 1993-2000. I swear that I was alive during those years but have no recollection of this event taking place. If you had given me the over/under on how many seasons it had lasted, I would have said "under 1" as I was certain it was canceled halfway through it's initial run. But it demonstrates how much knowledge I have about TV -- zilch. Maybe Scrubs: The New Class goes on to better even the original Scrubs in content and in ratings. But for me, the curtain has closed.

As John Lennon once said, "the dream is over" (I knew I could sneak a second Beatle reference in there).

August 9, 2009

Another Reason Why Reggie Miller Is Clutch

Miller Time. Knick Killer. Playoff Legend. Indiana Hero. Uncle Reggie. Stalker.

Yes, these are the words that describe Reginald Wayne Miller, the man who saved a struggling franchise in the cornfields of Indiana and the man who brought the team on the doorsteps of a NBA title. Yes, this great man is...wait! What was that last nickname? Stalker? Well unless I see a plane flying through the air and telling me it's true, then I'm not gonna....

...oh, well, that explains a little. Yes, apparently Reggie's game has gotten even more clutch outside of basketball. Instead of getting the calls in late-night games, he's now giving them -- to women whose husbands and fiancés aren't pleased with the situation.

In a restraining order that was never filed, but so surprisingly found its way online, a Malibu surf shop owner and neighbor of Miller's is accusing the former Pacers Superstar for stalking his fiance. In a desperate form of payback, the accuser, Alex von Furstenberg, posted the non-filed restraining order online. That order contained Reggie's address and phone number. But after settling the dispute, other Malibu natives have showed their displeasure by having a plane fly over the Malibu community asking Reggie to "stop pursing married women."

Yes, I have already looked up Reggie's house on Google Street View. Yes, it's a ridiculously awesome mansion with a Pacific Ocean view. Yes, I've added Reggie's phone number to my contact list on my cell phone. No, I have not called it. I'm not a freakin stalker!

What I fail to understand is the big deal here. This surfer dude has some real issues:

1) Reggie only texted the dude's fiance 53 times in one night. That's seven less than Reggie's career-high in points scored in one game. More than likely, these texts contained links to old YouTube footage of Reggie dominating at MSG or at Market Square. If I was Reggie Miller, I would be texting anybody and everybody all of my playoff heroics just to remind them of how much ass I kicked back in the day.

2) This surfer dude needs a chilax pill. He claims that when he approached Reggie about leaving his girl alone, #31 threatened him by saying he had friends with guns. He obviously wasn't referring to real guns. He's referring to old guns on the Davis boys. It's true. Antonio and Dale Davis are still Reggie's full-time bodyguards and they will show their massive guns to anyone wanting to mess with Mr. Clutch. Don't mess with the Davis Boys.

3) Reggie has the best phone number ever. The fact that is his last four digits are "3131" is the best bachelor phone number of all-time. Scenario:
Girl: "So, what's your number Reg?"
#31: "Bitch please! You know number. Watch me walk away!"
And as he walks away he reveals the jersey number stitched into his suit coat with the blue and gold pinstripes and she's been served a notice -- you are messing with greatness.

4) Back to the text messaging thing. You don't text a person 53 times without receiving 53 responses and it's highly unlikely that those responses said, "btw...stp txtn getting hitched." Furstenberg obviously was feeling a little insecure about his girl getting with Uncle Reg and he lashed out like a teenager getting a keg of beer. And when people lash out at Reggie, it always ends with a money shot in somebody's eye, and in this case, it's Ali Kay.

On to the links...

Hello, Mr. Radio
Ms. Ali Kay...enjoy!

It's Beetles...with an A
In my previous blog post, I showed the latest video clip from The Beatles: Rock Band, but when I watched it again I became confused at the beginning. It warns viewers of "mild language" and "tobacco reference" and I'm wondering where that is in the clip. My challenge to my loyal readers is to find either one. If you find it, I'll let you go on me and Bo's road trip to visit Reggie at his Malibu mansion.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
You finally might get me to watch an episode of America's Next Top Model. Lauren Conrad is set to appear on the next season.

You, you're a tube
Nothing like combining my favorite Oasis song with a top-3 Beatles song. Win-win situation.

August 3, 2009

Twist and Shout...Seriously, Do It

Yes, I'm inherently a lazy person.

But does that give me the right to only update this site once in an entire month? Apparently it does, and it also allows me to make my newest post (this one) just a quick link to a video instead of an analytical essay on why the gecko living in my apartment is so boring that even Ringo finds him sympathetically un-amusing.

Between all of my work that I've accomplished during my two week hiatus from the real world (i.e. watching 24+ hours worth of DVR'd television shows and movies recorded over the course of June and July) I finally stumbled upon something dashingly amazing this morning.

The second trailer for The Beatles: Rock Band was released to the public today and, yet again, I immediately passed out with joy after watching it. Not only does it lead off with a little twist and a little shout, the graphics and sound just gets better and better. I know (and this is official) that I can't afford this game when it releases on the cosmic date of 09.09.09, but it will be the lone gift hand printed on my Christmas List this December. So Santa and his elves better get their asses in gear and make me a good replica of this thing. Until then, I'll just pretend to hold my replica Hofner bass and bump out the bass line to Revolution. And if you think I'm kidding, then you don't know me at all.


July 21, 2009

The Wii Remote Can Suck It

I hate the Nintendo Wii. Not the system. That part I love. There's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for blessing the world with Mario Kart on the Wii. The game was created by divine hands.

No, I hate the Wii...remote controller. It has nothing to do with controls or the wireless function. It has nothing to do with how it's configured to my hand motion. It has nothing to do with gameplay. It has to do with a little something that the Mrs. Thug Mrs. calls "temper-tantrums."

Now I have a long, storied history with video game controllers. Starting with the original NES system, to the Super Nintendo blue and gray controller, to the "M" shaped N64 controller, and all the way to my favorite controller of all-time -- the PS2. All these controllers shared one common bond. I loved to smash them.

There was no better feeling in the world after your QB, who had a 99 passer rating, threw an interception to the worst-ranked defense in Madden 04 and you could raise your right hand high in the air and propel the PS2 remote into the ground like a V-2 rocket slamming London in WWII. It was the perfect way to handle anger management. One flick of the wrist and all your troubles went away as you destroyed the controller on the 2nd floor of 920 Neely. I went through countless PS2 remotes throughout college. I believe the PS2 remote suffered the most damage of all consoles throughout my lifetime of wrath with the N64 a close second. But the see-through PS2 controllers added another dimension as you could literally see the parts that you destroyed so recklessly after your mobster got shot into oblivion and back in the Godfather.

But something in my life is now missing. My anger issues have been transferred to other areas of my life because of one thing: I no longer have a PS2. I have a Wii. Sure, I tried throwing my Wii controller. Not wanting to break my HDTV, I use the dork strap to keep the remote tied to my hand. After losing the longest game ever played in Wii Tennis, I raised my hand toward the sky and slammed the remote toward the ground. It unfortunately was still tied to my hand. The result was a Wii remote to the groin. I missed 6-8 weeks on the injured list.

Now when I'm missing 10 foot putts on Tiger Woods 10 and after I'm done cursing out announcer Scott Van Pelt for his insufferable commentary on my bad putting, I rear up to throw the remote. But I can't do it. My anger gets bottled up inside until the next day when I can yell at first graders all day. But I'm worried. I need to throw a remote. It was part of the aura of playing video games. Now it's lost. I've thought about buying a used PS2 remote just for throwing purposes. The wife, obviously, thinks I belong in a mental institution. Ringo feels the same way. Either way, I need to throw something. So...Ringo, let's see how far you fly.

On to the links...

2 minutes...2-ah
Personal plug: Go visit IndyCornrows for any news on your Indiana Pacers from yours truly. You can also join my cult-like following on Twitter. Also, next week I will have full control of the site so expect some big things as I follow the blue and gold.

Hello, Mr. Radio

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
More Jon and Kate news about Jon's "bimbo" girlfriend. Ahh, makes me proud of IU.

Info for Bo
The WWE is teasing the fact that Shaq will wrestle during next week's Monday Night RAW. I'm thinking Shaq vs. Hornswoggle. Of course, if McMahon can get a Kobe vs. Shaq main event, I will piss myself.

I, Me, Mine
This segment is dedicated to the other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts/google search. So, either this person is a female Sean Stevenson, or he's a little fruity, but, the Philippines news site dedicated to Filipinos, ran a story about using the right foundation for your skin tone. The entire article is a dissertation by Sean Stevenson telling people how to match your skin tone to your foundation. Totally awesome. Anyways, my boy/girl Sean dominates the article with tons of sweet quotes. I feel like there is a whole world of make-up out there for the Sean Stevenson's of the Earth. I've really missed the boat. So Sean, thank you for bringing celebrity and greatness to our name.

It's Beetles...with an A
Paul McCartney played on the Letterman Show last week and it was a great appearance. If I wasn't ready to eat, I would find the links but alas that will not happen. The more important Beatle news today was the announcement of 15 more songs for the Beatles: Rock Band video game. One of those songs will interest the readers of this blog. Yes, one of the first songs that you'll encounter in the game is Twist and Shout. It will set during the Beatles stay at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. I would argue that a cheat code should be made where the Beatles play it at the Chug in Muncie.

You, you're a tube

P Money in all his glory at the ESPY's this weekend. Best. QB. Ever.

June 28, 2009

Blogging My Brains Out

If you follow me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter or follow me by peeping into my windows, you've probably noticed my recent transition in the blogosphere.

About a month ago, I joined a site called as the Indiana Pacers beat writer in an attempt to hone my column writing skills in a very laxed, nothing-to-lose setting while also making pennies on the side. I was having fun doing it, but I wasn't getting the kind of traffic that I wanted and I also thought the site's format and structure was set in 1909. The day that Scheid the Glide, the Photog and I got together in Columbus for some drinking, I told them about the site that I really wanted to write for -- Indy Cornrows. It's the best Pacers blog out there, and I was hoping that my columns would get noticed enough during the Summer and Fall that I could begin writing periodically for IC during the 2009-10 season. Just like certain other areas of my life that I don't like to discuss, things went off quicker than I expected.

The next day after I saw the two Whodi's, I was contacted by Tom, the guy who started Indy Cornrows back in 2006. [Brief background] A few months after starting the site, he joined the SB Nation blogging community and IC has been the staple and home for Pacers blogging ever since. Tom works with to provide stories, he gets media credentials to any game or event, he appears reguarly on Indy Radio shows and he works in cooperation with Yahoo! Sports.

Tom offered me co-control of the Cornrows, making me the first person to have the honor. I was thrilled and I dumped Examiner quicker than God dumped celebrities this week. My average daily hits on Examiner topped out at about 300 per day. IC has an average of 3,000 per day. After Thursday's draft where the Pacers made some noise by drafting Tyler Hansbrough 52 picks too soon, IC had 11,000 hits in two days. I plan on doing a weekly column on IC (which should get rough during July and August), while also helping out with the news as much as possible. I'm hoping to also get some press credentials to a couple of games during the season. Things really took off yesterday morning with my reaction column to Hansbrough. It has been plastered all over the Internet with a lot of support, while some people think I'm the worst thing since unsliced bread. Either way, when a site dedicated to paintball in South Africa links to your story, you know things are going well.

Point is...if you haven't checked out the IC yet, take a peak at it here. If the Pacers aren't your cup of rum, then check out the entire SB Nation and join your favorite team.

On to the links...

It's Beetles...with an A
With Michael Jackson's death, people in BeatleNation honored him a split second before spitting on his fresh grave by wondering who gets the rights to the Beatles songs. In one of the best business decisions ever, Jackson outbid Paul and Yoko in 1985 to buy the rights to the Beatles catalog and he's been living off of them ever since. Unfortunately, he wasn't the majority holder anymore because he needed to them to help pay all those debts for molesting boys, so Paul and Co. won't get much of a chance to own his songs. It would actually be more plausible to see Jackson returning as a zombie.

Hello, Mr. Radio
Don't have a name for this one, but I don't think it matters. Enjoy!

My Sox Are White more bragging about how awesome I am at fantasy baseball. Talk about all-time backfires. Although I'm poised to seal a win this week over the Err Dizz, I lost two weeks in a row to the two best teams in the league after my last post. Awful. My pitching went down the shitter, two of my best arms went on the DL, and my bats were dead in a cave somewhere. Hopefully, this week's resurgence is a sign of things to come, but I'm not guaranteeing anything anymore. Consider that lesson learned.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
Lauren and Spencer are reaching out to Stephanie about her eating problem. Lauren also says that she's going to skip Kristin's premiere on the Hills.

Info for Bo
Here's a link to your blog. Apparently, you've forgotten that it exists.

You, you're a tube
Best wedding invitation ever.

June 10, 2009

You Tube...Office-style

Had these two videos e-mailed to me today and I had to immediately share them. They combine the greatness of The Lonely Island songs with video from The Office. Nothing says Michael Scott like "I'm a Boss" and a hearty rendetion of "I'm on a Boat" to get you through your work day (which I don't have, but it doesn't mean I can't share with others).

Note: There is no "bleeping" going on with these versions, so if you aren't mentally, physically, emotionally and drastically prepared to hear the lyrics "Eat some chicken strips (like a boss), Chop my balls off (like a boss)" etc., then you should skip this post. For those of you who haven't chopped off your balls...enjoy.

And for the second one...

June 9, 2009

Link me...

Apparently because I've been expending so much energy on my Pacers blog, I have neglected my faithful, loyal and CatDog-like followers of this blog. So I'm going to keep the blabbing to a minimum as I focus on the lives of my readers in a "links-only" column. Enjoy...

Info for Bo
Batista. Oh how I knew thee. Poor guy. First he gets his arm torn from his body, then he's expected to wrestle in a cage match where he wins the title belt before getting his ass handed to him on a platter the next night by Randy Orton and his cronies. Then he has to act like a five-year-old girl as he's carried out on a stretcher while he cringes excessively while pleading to the medics to make the belt "not too tight" as he's carried into the ambulance. Awful. Pitiful. Sickly. Disgusting. Pick whichever adjective fits yer mood. Now, he's out for the next four months recovering. Not only that, but reports are surfacing that his contract is up in one year, but the four months that he misses will be tacked on to the end of the contract to make up for lost time. Not the best weekend for the legend Batista. In other news, Mr. Kennedy STILL released by the WWE.

My Sox are White
This Drunken Chuggers fantasy baseball league is going to be the end of me. The parity in the league is sickening. Here I am, the toast of the town, the hot dog, the big cheese, the "so black he's purple" professional athlete and yet, I'm still tied for first place. After rolling off to a thundering 8-1 season record, I am still tied with Team Sobucki for first place, while Team Deeb sniffs my ass with a 6-2-1 spot. After that, there's no one above .500. Awful. Pitiful. Sickly. Disgusting. Pick whichever adjective fits yer mood. Hell, pick em all. After I dispose of Team Maloney this week, next week's grandiose battle between the titans of Team Sobucki and Team Stevenson will be the main event. I've heard rumblings that the Commish is working out television rights to Versus. Right now, Sobucki has the upper hand as he is the only other team to beat me. What's he doing with his lower hand? More beating.

Hello, Mr. Radio
See video below for reason of photo. Enjoy.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
So the wife has decided that she wasn't getting enough airtime in my blog, so she pulled a Yoko and broke up the band. Now she's gone solo. Visit her musings on education, money and life with the greatest man on Earth here. And yes, I was referring to the Err Dizz.

It's Beetles...with an A
The first reports out of England surfaced today that the two Beatles' box sets being released on Sept. 9 will cost more than a combined $600. For those of you counting at home, that's now more than $900 that I will need to spend that day to own the following: The Beatles: Rock Band video game, the complete stereo remasters and the complete mono remasters. Who's up for selling plasma again?

I Me Mine
This segment is dedicated to the other Sean Stevenson's in the world who somehow land in my news alerts/google search. Unfortunately, due to my recent celebrity as a Pacer bloggin' machine, the first four news alerts of "Sean Stevenson" are actually me. In fact, the fourth one is referencing one of the articles I wrote. Excuse me as I celebrate like God after He sank the game winning 3-pointer against the Bulls in 1998.

But thank the maker for the Ogemaw County Herald. This award-winning newspaper's Web site goes in-and-out (and that's what she said), but a brief snippet of news shows a certain Sean Stevenson placing 15th in the discus by throwing it 108-9.9 feet at the Michigan Interscholastic Track Coaches Association team track finals. So Sean, thank you for bringing celebrity and greatness to our name.

You, you're a tube
This is for everyone who only has dreams of a Saved by the Bell Reunion. I know I'm not alone in this and I'm glad to see that Zack Morris is true to the cell phone...

June 1, 2009

The Beatles + Video Game = I win!

I knew I needed to post something today, but I had no clue what to write about. I had topics that ranged from "Happy June", the fact that I'm broke and unemployed, the nice weather, how I felt ridiculously old watching the MTV Movie Awards last night, or a heartfelt goodbye to LC's last episode on the Hills.

Then I was saved. Can I get an Amen?

Hell, we are all saved by what happened this afternoon. The E3 Expo is this weekend, which is something I haven't been excited about since Madden announced it was adding a franchise mode that effectively changed the course of my life forever. This year, however, came a big announcement. I haven't played my Wii in forever, but this game got me excited about playing video games again.

My current status with video games is very murky. I've reached the stage where I don't know if I feel comfortable wasting an entire day by playing a season of Madden. Here I am at 25 years of age. That's got to be about the point where you go past the personal video game stage and enter the family fun entertainment stage. My switch from an Xbox 360 to a Nintendo Wii last year helped accelerate this process as I can no longer play EA Sports games (if you haven't played an EA Sports game on Wii, let me just say that you feel similar to a soldier who just trekked 59 miles during the Bataan Death March before falling to the ground, then you get stabbed by the bayonete of a Japanese soldier. Luckily, you happen to be the grandson of Filipino national hero Andrés Bonifácio, so your life is spared after a Filipino, disguised as a Japanese soldier, acts like he kills you but you're really taken off the road to help John Wayne lead the resistence before General MacArthur comes back three years later. So playing Madden on Wii feels like you're being stabbed after walking 59 miles, but really, you're helping John Wayne, so you keep playing even though it sucks. And I've had numerous people tell me they felt the same way).

Well, the game that could be my last personal gaming purchase will be released on Sept. 9, 2009. The game, affectionally known as The Beatles: Rock Band, was debuted today at the E3 thingy. The trailor is now up online. (See: below)

I was pretty ecstatic as I watched the gaming versions of John, Paul, George and Ringo play at the Cavern Club, Ed Sullivan Show, Shea Stadium and the Budokan, but the bird broke through the cage when the I Am The Walrus segment appeared. Awesome! And then it ends with them in the studio, on the roof and a scene where they play on a hill. Besides the hill thing, the looks are uncanny. The settings look real. They've captured all of the biggest moments and stages of their career. Dhani Harrison, George's son, has proved to be an invaluable asset to the game producers as he's provided historically accurate information.

That said, I am concerned about the Back in the U.S.S.R. segment, which featured the Beatles in the studio for the White Album sessions, with Ringo on drums. Obviously, readers of this blog know that Ringo temporarily quit the band when the song was introduced on Aug. 22, 1968. The three remaining Beatles, instead of halting recording sessions, finished the song in five takes in two days with Paul on drums (although two other drum tracks were overdubbed later, but these were thought to be added by either John or George, according to Mark Lewisohn). Ringo came back several days after the song was completed. So, really, it should be Paul playing drums in the game, and Ringo should be shown crying in his house as he wonders why the hell he just flushed his career down the toilet by quitting the Greatest Band on Earth. Obviously, anyone could be the drummer for the Beatles. C'mon Ringo. Get it together.

Now, you may be saying, "Wow, Sean. How about you try not to an effin' d-bag right now? They just made a stupid video game about a band that you've devoted more of your life to than God. Maybe you should lighten up a little bit." Two responses: 1) Why is there not a "God: The Video Game"? I mean, the Bible has violence, killing, blood, God, royalty, back-stabbing and snakes, which is everything you want in a video game. Let's recreate the Old Testament here. I want to control Moses by parting the waters and unleashing a plague that kills all the first-born babies in Egypt. I want to be David and sling the rock at Goliath's face. I want to be Noah and go Oregon Trial style by sailing the Ark around rocks, while fending off lions in the Captain's quarters. Someone get to work on this. 2) If I'm dropping $250 on a video game, the info better be right. If you bought Madden and it had the Packers as the best team in the NFL, then you'd want a refund because that's obviously bullshit. So let's get this fixed before the release date.

The only problem is that barring some miracle that I become employable, stay in school, graduate and own a teaching job by next June, I will never own this game as it's priced at $250 for the limited edition bundle, which includes the Hofner Bass. The September release date is also the worst month in the world. Not only will all my extra money (this "extra money" doesn't actually exist for the Mrs. Thug Mrs. and I, but we'll make it up for blogging purposes) going to four family birthdays that month, and I will be ensconsed in 15 hours of classes on campus, two correspondence classes, one part-time job and one day spent in a high school classroom per week. Also, the entire Beatles catalog is being remastered and released the same day -- in mono and stereo. Awesome. When's this economy turning around again?

Either way, I look forward to owning this game at some point in my life. Now if only I could design God: The Video Game...

You, you're a tube
This should be obvious...