February 12, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix....Wow

So I'm sitting here after midnight, casually watching Letterman per usual and Joaquin Phoenix is officially making my night worthwhile. What a disaster! Not surprisingly the clip is already on youtube. Phoenix, who was awesome as Johnny Cash in Walk the Line, has officially jumped off the cliff.

Not only did he look like 1970 John Lennon, but he somehow topped Lennon's infamous interviews where he and Yoko would talk to reporters from inside a black bag. Letterman eventually just starts making fun of Phoenix and the star, who is quitting acting to begin a hip-hop career, spits out his gum and places it under Letterman's desk. My first assumption is to say he was on drugs, but I don't even think you act that retarded on drugs. There's something up with that guy. And make sure you get to the part at the end when even Paul starts laughing at him and Phoenix finally snaps!

You can't make this stuff up! So...enjoy.


Joel Philippsen said...

Ahh that's pretty funny.

Joel Philippsen said...

This is getting a little ridiculous. 1 week without updating this treasure of a blog is like not eating for a week. Sad day. Actually sad week.