November 17, 2009

Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole

Since I rarely get the few minutes to spend that it takes to type up a ridiculously compelling and though-provoking essay on my life and what goes on around it on this here blog anymore, I thought I would redirect those who used to read the near-weekly updates to my new Tumblr site -- an idler's dream.

Tumblr is a cool, up-and-coming little blog type tool that allows you to post quick links, photos, video, audio and whatever else you want to put on there. Just like the Err Dizz, it's quick and easy. I hope to still post stuff on here when I get more free time (when I retire?), but I also may turn this blog into a forum for my future classroom (minus the Err Dizz reference above), so we'll see what happens.

Until then...follow me on Tumblr, Twitter and IC.


November 3, 2009

Here's Your Update

Joel wants an update. Here you go.
