September 5, 2009

It Won't Be Long Until The Beatles Return

September is turning into a behemoth of a month.

Birthdays galore. Classes are in full swing. Work is a mess. Every television series known to man is beginning again. The Pacers begin training camp. The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! And that doesn't even cover what is about to happen four days from now.

On Sept. 9, 2009, prepare for a hard day's night. The world will explode into Beatles pandemonium as the Remastered CD's are finally let loose from the cage. The sounds of Abbey Road Studios will clearer than ever as the stereo and mono box sets let you hear things you never thought you could. You can actually hear Paul and George's lips move as they lip sync profanity in the background as Yoko sings a line on "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill". Not only will the remasters make their heralded debut, but The Beatles: Rock Band video game will be officially released. It's the day that keeps on giving.

The day is already fitting in nicely with Beatle-lore. The band has been on the cover of countless magazines, pre-orders for the remasters were sold out weeks ago, documentaries are airing every hour on VH1 Classic, CNN has compared the band to Picasso (although I don't think Picasso is in the Beatles' league), and there wouldn't be a proper Beatles release without an error to drive up prices of the first set. The Magical Mystery Tour CD label on the first run of remastered CD's says it contains the "Let It Be minidocumentary" which is obviously not true. So there's your 2009 version of the Butcher Cover.

Needless to say, I'm more excited than a kid with ADHD after slamming a case of Red Bull mixed with uppers and jamming to Helter Skelter. I'm off-the-chart. The fact that my father ordered us both a set of the Limited Edition Mono box sets just about blows my mind. So before I spontaneously combust all over my cat Ringo, let's get to the links.

2 minutes...2-ah
In an effort to make this blog as Beatles friendly as possible, the Pacers link (and all links thereafter) has been changed to a Beatles link. Here is the best interview of Paul McCartney ever. It occurred earlier this year on the Howard Stern Show. It will rock your socks off.

It's Beetles...with an A
Here's a link to a video that I had never seen before from the "Songs of John Lennon and Paul McCartney" program made in late-1965 featuring John and Paul. Also features the videos of "Day Tripper" and "We Can Work It Out".

Hello Mr. Radio
I could be a dick here and post a pic of Yoko, but Joel has never forgiven me for doing that to him so I'll let you off the hook. Here's John and Paul back in the day with some 1960's hotties for ya. Enjoy. Also, check out Elvis break into an impromptu version of "Get Back" here.

My Sox Are White
Celebrate your new hometown with a performance from the Beatles in Chi-town in 1964 singing one of your two favorite Beatle songs.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
You only caught 10 seconds of the 30-second commercial for The Beatles: Rock Band after I woke you up to watch it last night, so here's a link to it instead. Freakin sweet!

Info For Bo
This seems more up your alley than any other Beatles link that I can come up, enjoy.

The True Whodi Lounge
In only your second time having this segment, I've already had to deviate from the plan so I can incorporate the Beatles in some way. After combing through the top three stories on your site right now looking for any reference that I can tie to the Beatles, I just decided to go with the Beatles/Jay Z mash up. Enjoy. But fans, don't forget to follow your Franklin sports here!

You, you're a tube
And, finally, let's get to this "literal" interpretation of the Beatles' music video for "Penny Lane" as it's a good one. Enjoy. And don't forget to celebrate 09/09/09 by listening to your favorite Beatles songs or at least making a Yoko joke. Either/or would be fine.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Good fuckin' blog.