August 11, 2008

Stick that in your swim cap and smoke it

We're going to keep this short in light of the epic blog post that took place last time, but I want to say that last night's 4x100 relay in the male swimming event at the Olympics was sensational. Thank God for the French. They made it all possible. For simply being themselves and talking some trash before the event, the comeback victory by team USA was made that much more special and will never be forgotten. I've never gone from thinking a team had lost to seeing a team win in such a quick time span. What a race. (pic above shows how far behind Jason Lezak, center, was of France's Alain Bernard, right, before the turn) And were you like me in wishing President Bush would just stand up in the crowd, flip off the French team and then announce a declaration of war? I would have signed up to fight right there and then. Too bad NBC makes it impossible to see replays on ESPN or anywhere else for that matter. I could watch over and over and over again. But in case ya missed it, here's an article at least attempting to give you swim in words. Kudos to the Americans.

It's Beetles...with an A
The name of the man who spent $23,000 on a newly discovered tape of the Beatles talking and recording during late-1964 has been released to the public. Some Canadian dude. Good for him.

2 minutes...2-ah
The Pacers have had some news lately. It appears Tinsley will definitely not be in uniform next season as the team's owners said he won't be back, but they won't release him either. Definitely will be interesting to see who, or what (a washing machine perhaps?) they get for him. Also, since beat reporter Mike Wells mailed in his article on what games to watch this season after the schedule was released last week, I'll come back soon with a more detailed look at what games you Pacer People need to watch or attend.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
With our favorite show The Hills returning in two weeks, here's an article previewing the new season.

Hello Mr. Radio
Couldn't really find a lady to fit in with today's links (although a hearty picture of Phelps may be just what you ordered) but I saw this on and couldn't pass up posting the Err Dizz's favorite lady. Enjoy.

Info for Bo
The man who survived the one-and-only Ozzfest this year in Dallas last weekend, here's a recap article in RollingStone.

You, you're a tube
Hilarious video of people running scared from a mascot...good stuff.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I love Marissa just as much as Err.