October 25, 2008

It's too high

Sitting here watching Major League in honor of Bo's epic season preview of your Indiana Pacers. I'm definitely gonna be the fan dressed in Indian attire in the season opener saying the grand slam is "too high" to get out of the ball park. Ever the optimist. That'll be me. Some days I think we're winning 41 games, some days (like today) I think we're not winning more than 25. But Mark Boyle is definitely going to reach Harry Doyle status this year. I fully expect to look down from my perch in the Reggie Miller Fieldhouse to see Boyle doing shots of Captain while cussing on the air because "no one's listening anyway." That will happen this season.

Also in news, my newest friend Isiah Thomas is having some trouble sleeping (or is it his daughter? No one knows at this point). The police are saying that Thomas is a liar and that was the 47-year-old man who was taken to the hospital and not his 17-year-old daughter. If it really was Thomas that was taken to the hospital, I'm going to be really interested in hearing his explanation for trying to get his daughter take the hit on this one.

On to the links...

2 minutes...2-ah
In more Pacer news, the franchise doesn't expect to make any money for at least three years according to this report. Say hello to the Seattle Pacers.

My Sox are White
I assume you saw yer boi got an extension but just in case here ya go.

Mrs. Thug Mrs.
Good and bad news for Beech Grove. You have a new high-tech emergency system at your school. Unfortunately, the football team lost last night.

Hello Mr. Radio
More like hello Mr. Short Story. Since you've become a literary writer, I thought I should send you a couple of fantastic short stories that you need to read. Jonathon Swift's A Modest Proposal is one of my fav's about how eating babies can solve England's problems. Another great one is Edgar's The Tell-Tale Heart. Oh yeah, and here's a hot chick.

Info for Bo
No need to worry about Dunkin Donut robbers at your new store. Some young hooligans who held-up three of your stores were finally caught. Now you can just worry about serving that delicious coffee and donuts that make us all proud.

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